Made in the USA Metal Composite Material
Pre-Finished Solid Aluminum Plate
Alfrex, Inc. is a global architectural metal wall cladding manufacturer headquartered in Buford, GA USA. It is specialized in fire-resistant and non-combustible materials with a portfolio including Alfrex FR Metal Composite Material, Matching 0.040″ Flat Sheet, coil coated (pre-finished) Alfrex Solid Aluminum Plate, and mill finish solid aluminum plate for post painting small lot, custom colors. Our manufacturing philosophy is centered on maintaining healthy inventories of MCM sheets and painted coil in all standard paint finishes to enable a nimble and extremely flexible operation that can manufacture made-to-order MCM in both standard and custom colors. Company highlights include:
- 21+ years of experience manufacturing specialty fire-resistant coatings and materials through its parent company – Unience, Co Ltd.
- 15+ years of experience manufacturing FR core MCM
- Made in the USA – Buford, Georgia MCM Plant Accredited and Fully Operational
- Manufacturing plants in the USA and South Korea
- Commercial offices in the USA and Canada
- > 3 million square feet of Alfrex wall cladding installed in North America
- Only domestic MCM manufacturer with a complimentary line of 3mm thick pre-finished aluminum plate.